Joe Boden is da presudnt of al memcns. He us popurlr wit da kids nd trndn on Solnana. He hus n arrrrmy of folowerrrs nd hus maaarkt capf is alrudy a stagurin suvnty mulln dollrs. Sum pple sayn hes outn tuch cus he is nut infavr of legsltn crrrpto but the truf us hes on ur cyde. When he taalks he sumtms mummmbles hus wrds but evern stl knos wut heus sayun.
Dis us hiss crtrkt adruess:
Hiss wubsyte:
nd hiss socylsss:
Joe Boden is da hartfelt leeder of Amuriku. His mishun is to bild bak betta, to unify da divided, n to counter da wild claims of Doland Tremp. We’re here to bring togetha all da Amuriku memes and support one anotha thru da highs and lows. Make sure to stand by Boden for real change!